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2nd State Steering Committee Meeting, Green-Ag project, Odisha

29 Oct 2021
2nd State Steering Committee Meeting of Green-Ag project, Odisha was held under the Chairmanship of Agriculture Production Commissioner cum ACS, Odisha on 29th October 2021 at 4:00 PM on Virtual mode.
Total 28 members including Members from different government departments, FAO Representative, India, Assistant FAO Representative, India, Subject experts from the National Project Management Unit and State Project Management Unit attended the meeting.
The committee deliberated on each agenda and Approve the minutes of the First State Steering Committee(SSC) meeting, Annual Work Plan & Budget – Year – 3 (2021 – 22), Risk management plan, Procurement plan for year – 3 etc. The actions taken report on the recommendation of the first SSC meeting were also presented to the committee members.