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5th Meeting of the Technical Support Group (TSG), Green-Ag Project, Mizoram

14 Feb 2023
The 5th meeting of the Technical Support Group (TSG), Green-Ag Project, Mizoram for Lunglei District was held on 14th February 2023 and for Mamit district was held on 17th February 2023 respectively, at respective Deputy Commissioner’s (DC) office Conference Hall. In Lunglei District the TSG meeting was chaired by Mrs Ramdinliani, DC (Lunglei) and Chairperson, TSG (Lunglei). In Mamit District, Mr Lalnunhlua, DC (Mamit) & Chairperson, TSG (Mamit), chaired the meeting. In both the districts, the meeting was attended by the respective TSG members representing the relevant line departments, the State Project Management Unit team and the Green Landscape Implementation Unit (GLIU) team with virtual participation of the National Project Management Unit (NPMU) team.
The participants were welcomed by the respective Chairperson in both meetings. The respective Member Secretaries of TSG in both districts presented their districts Green-Ag project progress report. Mrs Lalchhuanawmi Pachuau, Team Leader, GLIU presented the i) Green Landscape Management Plan (GLMP) for the year 2023-24, ii) Draft Annual Work-Plan & Budget (AWPB) -2023-24 and iii) Action Plan for February to June 2023 for Lunglei and Mamit Districts respectively.
The proposed plans were discussed in detail in the local language along with the possibility of convergence with the animal husbandry department, horticulture department and fishery department, and support from KVK for vermicompost training in both districts. In Lunglei, the chairperson suggested including millets cultivation and propagation in lieu of 2023 being the International Year of Millets. After due deliberations, the respective TSG committee approved the GLMP (2023-24), draft AWPB (2023-24), and Action Plan (February-June 2023) for each district.
The Chairperson in both meetings advised the line departments to adhere to the GLMP schedule and convergence plans to achieve the targets. The 6th TSG meeting for the next quarter will be convened tentatively in the month of May 2023.